The Impact of Seed-to-Shelf: Clean, Reliable Water Supply
Sensient is proud to partner with growers from around the globe to enhance their education and living conditions, thus helping to support their economic growth and establish their long-term financial independence.

One partnership we’re particularly excited to share is the Southeast Asia Water Project.
The Water System Rehabilitation Project, a program co-funded by Sensient Agronomy and PearlFoods International, Inc., is focused on investing in the much-needed rehabilitation of a water system located in Southeast Asia in a community.
The Southeast Asia Water System Rehabilitation Project is essential to the health and well-being of the local population. The growing population and increased economic activities have made it difficult for the current water systems infrastructure to support the current water demand. The water supply is frequently low and intermittently available, often resulting in water shortages during peak hours and during dry summer months. Further, the aging system presents a risk for water contamination.
The water system repair and rehabilitation will be completed over the course of four phases. Phase 1 includes three critical features:
Currently small and obsolete, the new intake box will ensure the upgraded size can support an increased water supply, keeping the collection box full and reducing the frequency of water shortages.
Although its current size is sufficient, the collection box’s filtration will be upgraded to allow for a three-time filtration process that guarantees clean and contaminate-free water.
Because of the other upgrades, the pipeline will see an increase in water pressure, thus requiring the need to replace the pipes and fittings to better manage the added waterflow.

Phases 2 through 4 will further focus on the Pipeline System.
Following the enhancements of the water system infrastructure during Phase 1, the pipes and fittings extending across the full length of the water pipeline will be replaced and repaired to ensure a continuous and uninterrupted flow of water.
Members of the local water association and various government agencies will oversee the Water System Rehabilitation Project to ensure the repairs meet local building codes and government regulations.
This project is just one of many of Sensient Agronomy’s agricultural cooperatives that work to enhance the education and well-being of farmers from across the globe.
These efforts are focused on maximizing land productivity and boosting local economies, thus offering local farming communities an additional source of income in regions that are still developing. Additionally, Sensient’s agricultural efforts also help to reduce agricultural-driven deforestation—a sustainable practice that we can all get behind.