Natural Colors Linked to Positive Health Effects
2016-10-03 08:52:02
Color plays a large part in our enjoyment of food, which is why it’s often said that we “eat with our eyes.”
Consumer demand has driven numerous manufacturers to reformulate their products to remove many synthetic colorings, regardless of their proven safety.
Increasingly, the trend of natural colors is expanding due to their many proposed health effects beyond that of basic human nutrition. Here are some examples:
Anthocyanin-Based Colors (Reds to Purples and Blues) = improve cardiovascular strength and decrease cholesterol
Carotenoid-Based Colors (Yellows and Oranges) = offset age-related macular degeneration
Tumeric-Based Colors (Yellows) = prevents cognitive decline
With a plethora of natural color options accessible on the market, one must be knowledgeable of both their chemical properties that influence the ability to replace synthetics as well as their health-promoting properties, which may have a lasting effect on consumers.